Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic School
Early Morning Care and After School Care
Early Morning Care and After School Care is available at the school each day school is in session for students in Wee-K4 through 8th grade. Registration forms and additional information for this program are available in the school office.
Early Morning Care is available from 7:00 a.m.–7:30 a.m. in the cafeteria, for a charge of $2.00 per child. All students dropped off at school between these hours must report to the cafeteria. Payment should be made directly to the supervising adult.
ASC is available until 6:00 p.m. each day school is in session for students in Wee-K4 through 8th grade. All students who are not picked up in afternoon carpool report to ASC. No students are allowed to walk home or leave the school campus unsupervised unless their parent/guardian contacts the school prior to the end of the school day.
The costs for care are as follows:
There is a yearly registration fee of $10 per child for ASC.
Cost is $8 per day for one child / $15 per day for two children in a family / $22 per day for three (or more) children in a family.
Late fees per child are $5 per 5 minutes after 6:00 p.m.
Your family Facts account will be charged at the beginning of each month for charges accrued from the prior month.