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Lunch & Milk Program

Students may bring a lunch from home to school, or they can purchase hot school lunches online each month through Christian Catering Company.


To order a school lunch:

  • parents must set up an account with Christian Catering for each of their children (K-8 grades);

  • order from the monthly online menu accessible through Christian Catering, placing a separate online order form for each child; and

  • pay online via credit card when placing your order.


To order your child’s hot school lunch, please click on the button below:



      March Menu 


We are a peanut-free school. To protect the health of students with peanut allergies, if your child brings peanut-related foods to lunch, they are required to sit at the peanut-free table in the lunchroom. The Safe Snack Guide is a good resource for parents who may have questions about foods made with peanuts. 


*Since snack is in the classrooms, NO PEANUT-RELATED FOODS should be sent to school.


 Drinks are not included in the purchase of a hot lunch.


Drink Tickets

In addition, students can bring a drink from home (carbonated drinks and soft drinks are not permissible) or buy a school drink.


  • Drink tickets can be purchased at the school office in the mornings or by sending in a check made payable to Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic School.  Please make sure your payment is enclosed in an envelope marked "Drink Ticket" with your child’s full name and homeroom.

  • Drink Tickets can be purchased in increments of $5 ($5, $10, $15, etc.) to be used for milk and bottled water. Students in 4th through 8th grades can also purchase ice cream using their drink tickets. All items are one dollar.

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